
Sometimes everything seems like its just around the corner from figuring itself out.

This is most certainly *not* one of those times :(

Tommorow I start the fourth week of my five week class. I can't believe how much time has speeded up for me lately. My mother always laughed and said this would happen when I was wasting away as a child at the end of July, convinced the summer with it's heat and bugs would most certainly never end.

I never believed her. Of course you have to understand that the woman is the kind of person who really would really go to town and buy magic beans. And not the fun fairytale version with a stupid giant, but the other version, where the person gets had for all her cash by a slick man who if you liked that one also has a bridge he could sell you.

I'm not saying she's stupid. She's never gone and bet the farm on a pyramid scheme or anything *that* terrible, it's just....well the ideas that come out of her mouth sometimes can just chill my blood. When she was pressed into ways to try and generate a realistic income from this place she *actually* turned to me and said "Oh, we could rent to Cambodians".

Yes, of course, because they have LOTS of money to rent houses with. Nevermind that we don't HAVE houses to rent, or that her FIRST plan wasn't to rent the non-existant houses, but barter them in exchange for work out on the bog from these people.

And this was when asked how to raise an INCOME from the place. Her first suggestion didn't even have income in it. But she defeneded it by saying that by having them work we'd make more income and there, that would offset the cost of BUILDING HOUSES and KEEPING FOREIGN PEOPLE AS *unpaid* TENNANTS!

Not to mention the fact that these workers would be working on a useless and very undervalued little berry that for the time being at least is barely holding it's own ground. The sour, miserable, mandadtory Thanksgiving accessory, and urine tract infections cure, ***the cranberry***.

The very thought that this is what comes to her when pressed for a solution to our income troubles is what scares me that if I don't intervene I'm going to be staring in my very own Gone with the Wind, pounding my fists outside of my old ancestral home. Except this time it'll be while watching a wal-mart go in.

I'm going back to sleep.

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