
Sometimes I can be so dumb.

I thought I had this week off from school, and so thinking shat around all last week...well ok, I did alot of bog shit and other life type stuff, but in the school department I did less than nothing. But who cares, I had two whole weeks to get whatever it is I had to do done. SO, figuring I'm getting a jump on things by taking advantage of my motivation I log onto my class website this morning, only to find out THAT I HAVE CLASS TOMMORROW AND A BOOK DUE!

(commence panicing)

I could have avoided this situation by just nailing down the dates ahead of time, but due to some wonky dating on the site by the teacher and some really stupid assumptions on my part I thought the week off was this week and never bothered to confirm it till today. I'm lucky I even did that. With the way I've been this semester I could have just ignored it entirely and ended up blowing the deadline and missing yet another fucking class for no reason. But I didn't, so score one there!

And, actually the book has gone by really quickly, which is the only reason I'm here writing this...well ok, the other reason is that if I didn't do something else for a little while I was going to snap, but anyway, it's still going more quickly than I imagined, and seeing as I have until tommorow afternoon to get it done I've loosened up on the panic a bit. And honestly, the fact that the book I have to read is on the heart of Buddhas teachings, it's no suprise I was able to calm the fuck down pretty quickly. I'm still going to eat meat and squash offensive bugs, but I can dig alot of that hindu/buddhist stuff.

And thus I'm trying to just laugh at the cosmic joke of my relatively oh so small suffering, but still annoyance creeps in...I have to do laundry so I have clothes, I have to get gas so I can actually get there, I have to actually type up a bunch of stuff about what I've been reading, and I have to make it sound like I used my time all week to do it instead of spat it out in 2 hours the day before it was due. I've already had to promise myself a window on the way home to assure I'll actually take my ass there.

But, the sweet part is, after that I really do have the week off, in effect giving me 2 whole weeks where I can work ahead on some of the other shit so maybe I won't be suprised like this again, watch highlander in HD on Friday (sweet!), and otherwise actually enjoy myself. Plus, picking is over, so while the time crunch is on right now, there will absolute minimum Patty requirements other than some trip to Trader Joe's she's been promising since my birthday, but I want to do that. <3 free organic tasty shit. Plus, I am doing my best to take "positive" breaks and send love and light in the westwardly direction in support of my dear friend as well, so it helps to remember the good shit and to be grateful :)

Well, back to the grind...

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