
So yeah...pretty much all the good feelings I considered maybe having about all this working out even a little are running away. He took off this afternoon while Tommy and I were out and he isn't back. Also, he didn't take my car which he's been using pretty much every time he's gone somewhere for the last 3 months It's not the hugest deal, but it worries me because he wanted to escape yesterday before the interaction and I coerced him to stay. I can't make him stay forever. If right now he's scheming with her, like I suspect he may be for the fastest, easiest way to get away from me, then fine. I've tried to avoid that, I've even (god help me) cried at him about it, but if it comes down to it and that's where we're at then I know I need to face the fact that it's better for me this way. Even if it hurts right now, because it always does, and then it fades.

But I don't know. He took out the garbage today. I know that's not like discovering uranium or anything, but it's still a small sign that he's trying to do the right thing, trying to get along. I don't know. I do jump to conclusions alot, which I shouldn't do. Maybe he was just trying to be considerate by not taking my car, and just wanted to see his girlfriend because being around here made him feel __________. I guess I'll just go get some sleep and see how it all works out tomorrow.

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