
:( Work makes me sad. Not having to do it, but the way they fucking treat us. It's like they took a page out of the mcdonalds handbook and treat everyone like shit so that eventually they'll just leave and even if you have to deal with alot of turnaround there's always some poor slob willing to settle for less.

I really, really, really need another job universe! I'm not trying to be a jerk about it, but I've made alot of concessions to you in this arena and there hasn't been alot on the horizon. The probably gay one has turned out to be far from a friend or fabulous confidant and is instead a nepotistic foe who blatantly disregarded us to get his best friend a job. I don't want to have to fight this hard for my shitty part time job, even if this job does offer the most awesome actual work environment technically possible.

I need to find something that goes with the fact that I have a peice of paper and can now been seen by the public. There is still that niggly little problem about the smoking weed, it's not my problem it's theirs. In a couple of years hopefully it'll be medicinal here instead of just decriminalized, and until then there has to be SOMETHING. I have to find something!

So universe, I ask you, in the most nonspecific of ways, help me to find employment where I make enough money to pay my bills and to put some aside/against the silent patty problem. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it does have to be a good fit for me, and I know that you know what that is by now universe! Please help with this and I promise to work on the love/sharing/connection stuff! Thank you, and if it's not too much to ask on top could you throw me a non-awful lay once in awhile? If it is too much, feel free to take that one back since at this point I don't even remember what I'm missing exactly, but if it is possible, please try and include some sort of sexual something! Thanks again!

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