

At least this roller coaster it seems actually goes somewhere. I've been up for 3 days on about 4 actual hours of sleep, half of that post-orgasmic and semi-fitful but better than any i've had in a long lonely time.

I guess the universe decided I'd followed the stupid ones around long enough and sent me something I pretty much up until today had decided did not exist: a nice guy. I'm not saying he's "mine" or anything at this exact moment, but even this is so much better than what I hoped for. I know some of it is just the chemicals of closeness bubbling up again, but for just one small example, every time he goes anywhere or is coming to see me he asks me if i need anything. Seriously. On his own, and sometimes he even just brings shit out of the blue. My brain has trouble changing gears from the co-worker who i invited to my birthday party and came over empty handed needing gas money then proceeded to suck up all the booze and weed available, completely infuriate my other friends making them decide to leave and ultimately making me cry, just to top it off the next day by asking for food to take back home with him! I'm used to so much less that this feels extravagant, and the reversal of give and take is sexy in and of itself, and in typical female fashion that's just the tip of the iceburg.

Anyway, I should probably at least try and sneak a nap in before the last day of vacation at my awesome mindless job where I'll spend most of it alternatley gushing and mooning. *Cue the 16 year old girls sighs*

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