
I wonder about everything.

What does anything mean? Why the hell do I do what I do? Because I can? Because I have to?

I spend my nights looking up things like misheard song lyrics. I pine away about nothing. I ignore my impending life. I *MUST* go register to be in my school again this week. I must also register for classes. Also I must register for a summer class. Or two. And I have to help my mom and plant strawberries and move things and all sorts of fucking bullshit...

See all of a sudden nothing becomes something...and I get short of breath and my own little life seems like too much and I want to pop.

What a bunch of introspective bullshit huh?

Yeah I thought so too...oh well...on to the day-by-day nonsense:

Jon did come and get his movie. Boo to that. But we also spent the day bringing back those cans so I have a bunch of money. Granted its all going towards some pot LoL, but still...120 bucks worth of cans....thats just we have another maybe 40 or so bucks in the back, so I might take part of that and buy it for us. Or I could order it through that damn Columbia house DVD club I got suckered into. But that would mean paying my credit card bill, and *that* is out of the question LoL.

The Sopranos was wonderful, as was Deadwood. Both of the series are really getting to that point where the shit is really getting down and dirty with the fan, and I'm finding it hard to wait till next week. They always throw those tantalizing previews in thouch. Just to get you hooked onto next week. I have to agree though, HBO really got it right. It is a network with the narrative authority to give its characters real dialogue and well written psychological story lines that assume the viewer has intelligence, mixed with the provocative use of those old stand-bys nudity, profanity, and good old gory violence.

Ok, I've rambled on enough...I'm going to go back to my misheard song lyrics ;P

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