
"And I find it kind of funny,

I find it kind of sad

The dreams in which I'm dying

Are the best I've ever had"

I just saw Donnie Darko last night. Wow, I was really missing something. That movie was amazing. It is the first movie i've seen in a long time that just blew my mind. Even more so because it was a Jon recomendation.

Its strange. I feel like me and him and JC and Tommy are all...different. Other people can be fun and cool and interesting, but we're....something. Aware maybe? I don't know if thats the right word. And it certainly isn't something that breeds getting along. I get along with all of them, Jon gets along w/ JC and me, and Tommy only gets along with me. Despite that though, we all have *it* whatever *it* is.

And now I'm waiting to see if Jon comes to get the movie. In a way I want him to, so I can see him for the few fleeting moments he'll be here. On the other hand I want to keep the movie and watch it again tommorow. Thats how you can tell it was THAT good...i have no stomach for repetition.

I'm also aching for it to be an hour from now. Thats when we order our food and get it. By the time we get home it'll be 9 and that means SOPRANOS :) :) :) God it makes life worth living sometimes. Also Deadwood. And Futurama. And thus will begin another week /sigh. At least I know i'll have a bunch of time off because on Friday my mom is going away so I won't have to work for her again until like the tuesday or wednesday or maybe even thursday after...thats almost a week too myself. Beautiful :)

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