
God, things...just happen and then they're done.

Well Tuesday actually went alright. After I wrote I sat down with bear and we talked and I guess he doesn't remember anything from that night, and he honestly seemed sad and ended up crying because he feels he's going crazy like his Mom (I give that more credit after today...but more about that later)

Then I went to my Rainbow thing. It was very Rainbow, and I mean that in every way...Kelly never got my letter, no one I really knew came, but all in all it was an end to the 10 years of my life Rainbow was a part of.

Then Wednesday passed with little exitement. We had Kathleens funeral thing, and I got to set up the after-thing so I really didn't have to be with people much and it was fine.

Then...MOTHERFUCKING today. Evil...beyond. JC's mom has this devious little mind and she used it against me all day. I was supposed to go with her to clean out her room at school (She teaches 7th or 8th grade, I don't remember...middle school madness...anyone who teaches kids that age is honestly just CRAZY. Oh and I have to go with her because she broke her ankle doing free manual labor for my mom...I'm indebted before I begin. So anyway, she insists we do this all early in the morning. Now I know there are people who are up every day at 6 (JC is one of them, but by force not choice) but I go to bed at 4 or 5 am every day. I'm not a morning person.

So I dragged myself out of bed at 10 am and take the long tourist infested drive and when I get there she starts in..."Oh Borders just called, my Bill Clinton book is you think we could swing up there and get it?" Borders is half an hour away. "Sure" I say...I'm her pawn for the day, with that Sure.

So we drive all the way up there, and she sends me in and I get the book and when we come out I'm making small talk and saying how I would love to read it when she's done and she just hands it to me. Thanks and all...but then it wasn't really SO fucking important to come get it was it?

Then the kicker...she looks up at me and says "Oh, I left the keys to the school on the table next to my couch".

We were going to be able to use this wonderful shortcut she knew that would take us from that mall to her school in about 5 mins, making the mall at least not SO out of the way, but no, she forgets the fucking keys.

So we go back to the house and get them. Then back on the same highway and another half hour to her school. And we clean, and organize, and put away, and label, and what-fucking-ever.

2 hours later we're done and she says "Well let me pay you"...ok, why not right? I politely protest and she says no, so we have to go to the bank...her special teacher bank...which is literaly 5 FUCKING minutes from my house...which is 40 minutes from hers...which I have to go back to, to get my car...

So we drive to the bank...and its closed cuz its 4 in the we drive back to her house, and I had promised the boyfriend dinner from Subway, and its on the side of the highway on my way back to her house, and a bitch to get to coming the other way, so I figure fuck her, she can wait 5 mins for me to get 2 subs...MISTAKE!

While I'm in there she decides we can go to Liberty Liquors and conveniently return all the bottles she's got in the back of her car...and then buy her beer. Finally after that gigantic pain in the ass I get to drop her off, drag her shit inside, and go home.

On the way home I see a decaying comminity, being built up house by house while our 86 acres remain the only wild space. Inviting people to think its Central Park out here...making my stress level go off the charts. 4 wheelers..ATV's, Dirt bikes...lost people in trucks, cars, vans, jalopys...all looking for fun, adventure, the crack house. (That all ends next week by the way...3 industrial fences are going in come hell or high water).

Oh, and a dead cat...I think thats when I broke down and started screaming. I screamed and cried and caried on all the rest of the way home.

And I'm thinking the whole time how Jon hasn't called me back...he said 3 days ago he could get us weed...and anyone who says that and then doesn't call you back can't get it.

And like he does, he hears my internal screaming and comes up with a lady with an oz. of hydro for me. Supposedly by 5 tommorow. If that really happens today will have been worth it. Except the cat. It ruins me. I saw its little face.

I ran home to mine...I love my kitties. I miss my Neener...I'm crying right now thinking about her...I don't think that will ever really heal..I wear her necklace and I think of her every single day. She deserves at least that.

But all 3 of them are with me in here...Simba is sleeping between my legs, Peeperson by the keyboard, and Teen Tine is next to the air of them all at some point, I promise!

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