
Hididng again. (suprised?)

The male has overtaken the downstairs w/ football and video games. Its an orgy of remotes and testosterone. He's watching 3 separate games and playing San Andreas, all at the *same time*. Insane.

I'm upstairs watching one of those lovely shows for people without the grace of an attentionspan. Its a christmas special christmas special or some nonsense on Bravo, but its alot like those blissful VH1 shows about the 80's or any other whatnot. Small doses of quasi-interesting things sprinkled with cynicism and interviews with witty half famous people. So digestable.

And now they're talking about pot jokes. That deserves a hit. I think that I'm not alone. I don't think anyone else really feels christmas either. Its like a gift for small children. A very (VERY) limited number of years when the world is *actually* a snow covered beautiful place where a jolly friendly old man delivers wonderful treats to you because you're so motherfucking special. But so is everyone else, so love everyone (especially your presents!).

Oh well, it is what it is. At least it was beautiful for those few moments, and now it can be a fond memory. I just wish I hadn't ruined it for myself now. It was just a tiny bit of curiosity that ruined it for me. No siblings or cousins who divulged it, just a small peek in a toy store bag that was left in the back seat of the car with me that christmas when I was six.

I was so happy when I saw that stupid Jem doll. Well ok, to tell you the truth what I *really* wanted was to be a real life version of her arch rival Misfits, but purple hair was at least another 7 years away. But still, right on Dad, good job. You listened during some of my interminable babbling and picked up on Jem. Fan-fucking-tastic. Fast forward through the December eternity (you know those last 19 days that have FLOWN a couple more that are just about to whiz by themselves) and its Christmas.

I suffer through all the family stuff, I open ALL the presents from my parents. No doll....what is this bullshit. Then, from under the back of the tree comes one last present from SANTA. The doll. And so began this lifetime of mistrust.

Wow, sorry...this was supposed to be a short little update but I got lost. I better get back to my holiday cleaning.

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