
Well that was overwhelmingly disapointing :(

The fucking lawyer is going to take his sweet as time, and now he's debating not breaking the trust so he can jerk me along for a few more years. So we're bringing our own lawyer to our next meeting. *sigh*

At least my mother and I got some important shit out of the way. Talky-talk-talk about the property and the house and all of that. All while I'm dying of the plague. I have a massive ammount of fluid in my lungs. I'm hoping it turns into a case of pnemonia so i dont have to go to Cathys for easter dinner tommorow. Thats going to be...interesting. She's way to Christian for her own good, with all the bad that implies. I <3 Jesus, i really do...the guy had some deep shit to say. I just hate the chruch and how they corrupted it for their own devices and the like. Oh yeah, and my mother and frank are coming to the dinner too

Fucking horrible. At least JC can rub his job in their faces. And I've got my school shit mostly together. I have to meet with an actual advisor, but as far as I can tell I need one more 300+ history, a seminar, and some other elective maybe? Oh and spanish. The 300+ history is going to be online this summer. Spanish maybe online, maybe next fall. Seminar next fall. Maybe even graduate after next fall? Overwhelming.

Oh and the dirtbikes are back. Its *that* time of year again. Hurrah.

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