
All of a sudden I know how so many people who complain about not having their husbands/boyfriends/significant others around enough feel. I am truly happy that he found gainfull employment and is contributing, but all of a sudden, it seems like there is no time for me. Between work and a newfound interest in having friends, I get lost in the shuffle. Mostly we see each other for dinner (if he manages to be home) and then we spend 8 hours in the same bed sleeping at night, but that doesn't really cut it. Some nights I stay awake just so I can pretend that it counts.

I'm lonely by choice most of the time. As we all know, I don't associate well with people. I can't even handle the clerk at 7-11 most days, so feeling alone isn't new. But over the last 4.5 years I've grown rather used to having him there to spend time with. Now that he's not, there is just some sort of stupid black hole feeling inside. On top of that, I'm a little let down because for most of that time he's been just as introverted as me. Now all of a sudden he's breaking out of his shell and has something to do almost every night of the week. I don't begrudge him that, I just thought that we were in the same place people-wise, and all of a sudden he gets a job and *bam* he's moved on without me.

Anyway, a big hug of sympathy to those of you out there who've had similar problems. It sucks.

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