
Same shit, one more day.

The newest kittens are exiting at least. They're all up and about, small-ing around the house. They're best when you find a pile of them sacked out somewhere.

Since tonight is JC's best friend's birthday (a tax-day'm about 80% sure he's going to be gone all night. The 20% uncertainty factor is based on the fact that they go to work together and he never showed up here this morning to catch his ride, so I'm wondering if he'll be pissed at JC for leaving w/o him or whatever, or if he just never came because he ditched for his birthday(which is so stupid, its not like they don't know your birthday...sure, you were *sick*).

I have no idea what happened because I stayed up till 5am to cook him dinner when he got, up after sacking out on the couch himself after getting home from work. I imagine that was because he hadn't had more than 3 hours of sleep any of the nights before. I really am starting to want to smack him silly, but I can't say anything really. It's his life, he does make it to work daily, and even if I'm lonely and unsettled my own life is within my grasp if I want it.

The problem is I just don't :/ I was content with the way things were. I liked my schedual. I had my days to do my work and clean and scheme to become a better person. Then we had dinner and TV, then he'd go hole down in the basement. I guess its not that different now, except i never know when the dinner will be, and I don't like that he's not here. Even when he was just down there, we weren't really *together* but he was around. It's too haunted and too far out in the woods to be here by myself all the time. Every crack, bump, chill, and strange sight makes me feel more and more alone. When he was clunking around in the basement I could attribute the noise to him and know that if I needed it he'd be upstairs in 3.5 seconds.

No use bitching too much though. I'm self sufficient, and I'm a pretty good shot. I'll just arm myself and hide I guess. How fun :)

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