
I've sucked really hard lately.

I know it, and I appologize profusely.

I finally got one paper out of the way for my Woman's studies class. I feel like an asshole because I'm working on a group project and for once in my life I'm the one who's not turning in shit on time. I want to not be, but then JC fucks something up again, I drink too much coffee, and I'm off the fucking wall.

At least I got to frighten drunk children tonight out in the woods. The light in my car got left on all day, and I finally noticed. For some reason the car started anyway, and I needed to go for a ride, so I decided to go see if the second gate was really up (I couldn't believe the one legged guy really got them back up so quickly, but he did!). On the way back home I was coming home past Wally's and in a stretch of his woods I saw one female ass bound across the road. I pulled around a corner and came back and shined my headlights where she went and caught 7 drunk asshole guys and assorted bitches scrambling for the woods in various states of fucked-up.

I was highly amused at the one that sat like the proverbial deer in headlights, making a face like he might piss himself. I hate these kids cuz they're the assholes w/ the dirtbikes, so I'm glad I ruined their buzz. I couldn't quite make myself call the cops, and Wally's lights were off so I just figured I'd leave it at that. At least maybe now the girls will be too frightened to just give into their drunken advances.

Ok, enough bitching...time to do something more productive, I promise (after a *little* bit more coffee ;)

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