
We tried the 24 hour wal-mart last night. On top of everything it was a *supercenter* so they sold beer! In a grocery store! In Massachusetts!

I know that doesn't mean alot, I've been to other states where they made this equation long ago. Anywhere you can buy yourself hotdogs and potato chips, you should be able to buy yourself beer. Here though, they don't seem to like that, so 7-11? No beer! Grocery stores? No beer!

I don't even really give a shit about beer. It's about conveniance, and stupid rules. I do have a little bit of a problem with a place that sells shotguns also selling beer, but it's seemed to work out alright. They certainly aren't shy about carding. I had to show my ID to buy: Bridget Jones Diary. Because Chick flicks might kill you?

It was difficult though, in a store that large, with that kind of product selection, to believe that they didn't have kitten chow. Not one bag, not even a generic brand. NaDa. On top of that, the whole pet section was roped off because they were stocking it or what-not. I had to go covert ops just to get myself some cat litter for Christs sake.

Now Tommy is on his way to NY. I wish him a safe trip. I wish I could go places sometime. I'd be terrified cats were running out my front door the whole time I was gone, so I know I'd never go, but sometimes I really do wish I could.

Anyway, tonight it's a no-JC night. He's going out to play with some kid and be introduced to some band that is actually trying to play shows. Maybe he'll get in. That would be great for him. It'll fucking terrible for us, but its going to happen no matter what and it might as well happen now. At least now I have chick-flicks and popcorn, so it's not all bad.

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