
Yay, my car is back, I didn't get in trouble for fucking off yesterday, and the door told me a fabulous tale that my troubles will end later this afternoon.

Things are good-ish.

I just read on yahoo that creativity is a sex magnet. I don't think that's working out in my case, but it is something lovely to hope for in the future.

Also, I've discovered the joys of myspace, which I have seen before (I dont live under a rock after all) but had no great affinity for dealing with until I realized that EVERYONE I've ever known is out there just babling about themselves. I love it, endlessly. And as such, I've even gone and contacted someone I knew once a loooong time ago. Like middle school long ago. She was strange, but at the moment I think I could handle her maybe? I don't know, she's had a kid, like everyone else I've ever known, and that usually makes it so I have no idea what to say, but she seems to have kind of stayed the same, yet mellowed out just a tid bit (which if you knew her back then, is a GOD send)

And besides, I'm really enjoying my dive back into my 7th grade self. It's the fun I would have had, if somehow I could have been 13 with a house to myself, all the pot I could smoke, and a plastic card that brings me retail delights. <3 <3 <3.

I realize I'm a cunt for all of this, and I realize that it isn't fair to every other person on earth who has to go to work and do their thing, but I can't help it. I read once that reality is what you can get away with, and this is what I'm getting away with these days baby!

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