
So it's a given that I'm a pretty big nerd in alot of ways. I love computers, role playing games, star wars for fucks sake...and I found a way to get nerdier!

Highlander. Graced by one of my most very favorite often-evil actors Clancy Brown as a then 27 year old nordic god of a black knight with a motherfuck of an attitude. The fucker holds his neck together with safety pins! I. Am. In. LOVE.

Of course, the movie is from 1986, when I was 4 years old. There's nothing wrong with that inherently, except the fact that it's hard to keep from howling at laughter at a police station that appears to have ONE singular computer to solve crimes with, but it does lead me to the fact that I appear to have fallen in total celebri-crush with someone old enough to be my father. And to be honest about it, while I do prefer the 27 year old Peter Steele style version in some ways I am at this point just as enthralled with the 48 year old current version, which is what made stay up 36 hours just so I wouldn't miss the 12:30 showing of Highlander yesterday.

It's weird, because I'm no Daddy dater. I suppose technically 48 really isn't that old, it's not like he's a geezer like my mom is into, but I have to admit that's been giving me some mental sass too. "Oh look, Kate's just like her mom, all lusting after dudes who are old enough to be her dad" And it is out of character for me..I mean my last huge celebri-crush (which I'm not totally done with or anything) is a waifish boy of barely 30, quite my contemporary at least in age, and so damn cute and harmless.

And then of course is the topic of my ever looming interest in ego, usually of the evil sort (becasue truly the unreigned ego is what evil is) and what it means to me. Of course I realize that the man is an actor playing these often deliciously evil parts, and that in reality he is a kind, compasionate person who gives to charity and raises money for kids with diseases. *But* All the characters I love him through are decidedly evil, and I totally love it. I adore mean jokes while on tyrannical sprees. I enjoy gross displays of power and bravado. And it's not just my new-found obsession with Clancy, it's always been like that. I rooted for David Bowie in Labrynth. Sure, he steals babies but A. She asked for it and B. I always thought the dad was an asshole, the step-mom was a douche, and that they'd all be better off if they just stayed put in the castle and she and Bowie raised the baby as their love child, singing songs and eventually she'd convince him to let all the cute muppets come over to the castle for afternoon tea or some shit and peace would reign over labrynth-land. That's how the movie would have ended if it were mine!

Also, I'd like to say for the record that I personally am not interested in *doing* any evil. In real life I only try to do good things. I've been making a pointed effort lately actually because I realized that I spent alot of my life as a bored middle class American kid with half an attitude for absolutely no reason, doing very little harm to the world but very little to help it either. Real life evil doesn't turn me on at all, it's the fictional tv-and-movies evil that gets me going, and it's always helmed by some fantastic ball of charisma that's accompanied by good lighting and special effects. And while they do usually have a good guy that's fair enough in his own stead (I would never kick ben hawkins out of bed, that's for sure) they're always just too white bread for me. Even IF they're tortured souls who I can completely relate with and who throw a couple of suprises my way, I'll always perk up for the dude that cackles like a mad scientist and drives the wrong way down the highway.

So yeah, I've been mulling all this over the last few days. Thank god one of the 18 HBOs puts Carnivale on every night at 11 so at least I can get a daily dose of evil, for whatever reason it is I want it, which I still haven't pinned down yet, but I'm working on it.

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