
So I'm up at 8:05am, and it's not for a happy reason. Somehow picking got moved back a week, so now despite the fact that I had to pause twice writing this sentence to hack up the lung that is the very tail end of the shitty sickness I've been battling for days, I am expected at Patty's bright and early to be assigned any number of assinine tasks. And, while I am deeply happy for my friend and think awesome positive thoughts about everything going on for him, I am also very sorely missing him today, as dealing with Patty, Wally, Wayne, and the whole assorted crew of boggers by myself is basically my idea of a complete waking nightmare.

But I haven't studied all this metaphysical shit for nothing, so I am attempting to take the time right now to drink my coffee, think my grumpy thoughts, and then let it all go with a nice 15 minute mini-yoga session before I just jump in and try to exercize the light as best I can. At least I know it will basically HAVE to go better than last year (even though I love the smash, and the whole little picking episode of life is still really important and will end up in some part of an E true hollywood story one day, hopefully by the time network cable has gotten it's act together enough to allow phrases like "OH You're suchafuckingcunt" through without editing...or maybe it's just part of a documentary shown on HBO, and narrated by Clancy beacuse God knows, they SO owe me...tangent, sorry!) and I've had all this time to get used to not reacting to her, so I'm really hoping that I can just keep my cool and let whatever happens just wash over me like the interesting and varried human experience it is.

But yeah, somehow like 30 minutes has gone by, and if I don't get my ass in gear I'll end up "late" and we wouldn't want that...but I did want to talk about my pretty plant! It came from the outside, so it ended up politanted, but in a way that's good beacause it's beautiful and now I have it's babies. It's only basically one bud because it had to survive outside, but the thing has *crystals* and is *stinky*...what more could I want? My little upstairs inside hothouse flowers are nice and all, but the hardy outside baby is the real deal. Maybe next year I'll start them inside, suck it up and kill the males, and then plant only my pretty girlies outside. It's alot of work, but hey, it worked out so well with basically minimal effort this time, so why not right? Something to look forward to, and in the meantime my bathroom has a nice stank for a change as I keep the heat on and dry her out :)

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