
Ok, so I have two semi-connected bitches today, and while I realize I am trying to remain a positive person and all that happy jazz, #1 I have my period meaning #2 I have really fucking awful cramps. So, while I am currently eating so I can send them a vicodin, I'm bitchy, and hence, the bitching:

- Why is it I never get hit on by anyone other than lesbians? God love gay people, and all their contributions to the world that have made my life all that more awesome, but I am not one of them. Unless it counts that my absolute dream life includes me as the only female prong in a 3 pronged relationship (where the men do the laundry and the's a dream!) and if it does, then thanks for the welcome, but I *still don't want any vagina, thanks. Being the owner of one is MORE than enough for me in this lifetime. That, of course, does not mean I'm not totally female positive, I think women deserve all the respect in the world for the shit they've put up with, both on an individual basis and just in life as a whole, but I cannot handle another one as a personal responsibility. So when the only offers I ever recieve are from that side of the fence, I start to wonder what exactly is the fucking malfunction. Even my own mother was sure I'd be a lesbian, and peopel take one look at me and my love of rainbows and put 2 and 2 together (wrongly), yet somehow through all of it I LOVE COCK. I may not enjoy the way men behave, or the stupid things they sometimes think, but god damn it I love a good, hard, cock, and I never get any offers from those.

- Everyone keeps telling me I should have a kid, because i'm "so good with them!" which may or may not be true, but I'm getting just a little sick of it already. Just because kids like me doesn't mean I am in any way, shape, or form ready to bring another human life onto this planet. For one thing I dont have the kind of money a kid requires and I don't have any sort of job or support that I can plan on, which I would want to make damn sure I had before I had a child. And for another I have no man to make a baby with, no real prospects in that department (see above) and on top of it no driving desire to go out and find one, especially just to make another human life come into a world that I don't even necissarily believe will be able to sustain itself for another generation of people anyway.

So yeah, my bitches for today. In the mean time I finished eating, took a pill, talked to my dear friend, had the pill kick in, smoked a bowl, and on the whole feel quite a bit better :)

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