
Ugh. Test day already somehow. This weekend blew up in my face. Between sunday with Patty's electricity explosion and monday with baby watching and shitty, but not the worst news I was really not into studying. I've read over my shit as much as I could stand but I'm more in my own head today. God love the Zoroastrians and stuff, but I care more about the bullshit going on at the moment.

Instead of remembering hindu gods and their consorts I can't stop thinking about yesterday and how fucking obnoxious people can be. When I had to go over and bring my mother a big pot of water to prime her pump my "aunt"...a lady who married my cousin...i dont fucking know, anyway, this fucking broad is there with her husband, who is the one busy doing the actual work of priming the thing, and I have to tell my mother the news about Michelle. So I'm explaining it, telling her how it's probably cancer, they're getting the 2nd opinion, surgery anyway, no chemo, 99% survival rate etc. etc. and the fucking CUNT (family, I know, but seriously) cuts in with "Well, my sons friend (insert long boring army story) and it turns out he's got Chrones(sp?) disease!...*silence(from me, my mother of course coohs and ahhs and ooohs-then I go on)*...So anyway, the surgery's in November...

I fucking hate that shit. Why do some people find it necessary to try and play one up-man-ship with serious shit like that? I mean it's not like she doesn't know Michelle either. Before the evil dictator put a swift end to it this broad was friends with Michelle's crazy mother. So you think she'd just give a shit and shut up so I could tell them what was going on. But that's just reactive bullshit and I have to just get over it. And it has nothing to do with Mayan shamen either. Which isn't helping.

At least I *did* get up relatively early, so I do have about 4 more hours in which to attempt to "study". And it really is just one test, and I'm sure at least some of it will be bullshittable, and I haven't been in school since I was 4 fucking years old and not learned a thing or two about the art of bullshitting a test to at least a low B which is all I'm even really aiming at today, as annoyed as that makes the perfectionist corner of my brain.

Coffee first, then yoga...

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