
...cuz this is a little much k-thx!

I know it'll calm down soon, and it's really probably not the greatest idea to go from 0 to 100 occupied-time wise, but I'm kind of freaking out here:

(Please note that I understand completely that there are some segments of the diary-reading public, myself occasionally being one of them, that don't particularly care to hear the droning diary details of a relative strangers work life containing people/places/situations mostly unknown or uncared about, and as such, this is your warning! :) Don't keep reading if you have an aversion to being moderately bored, and don't want to hear about the minutiae of my life.)

So yesterday I got up at noon to go get the stuff from jenn's parents to do papers and let patty know that a. I got a job (she really didn't seem impressed and had another of her lovable-but-crazy jobs for this age of digital cameras where almost anyone with enough time to spare and a decent memory card can take at least a few sweet scene shots. I just had to delete like the 3 paragraphs where I went on from there, but I'll sum up with: She means well, and I love her, even if she is getting crazier!) and b. to tell her I wouldn't be around for probably the better part of a week, give or take.

Then I had a little time to myself to eat breakfast, check my email, shower and get ready so I could go get "interviewed" at 5. That turned into 2 hour social interaction for which my representative had to be on stage and entertaining the entire time, so as a reward I got a window and returned home. Then at least I got few hours to sit down and scribble in my paper journal and watch some dexie and commune with you, sweet computer!

Then at 12:30 it was off to do papers, which admittedly isn't a hard job at all, although my fucking cd player is being extra cunty and decided not to work until I was 2 hours into the job (which is about 15 minutes from being done with it lol). Next, since papers finish up literally next to the midnight wal-mart I did my grocery/much-needed-shit shopping. Somehow that took 2 hours, and by the time I got home I barely had time to stuff a breakfast in my face while brewing coffee to slam down and find cleaning clothes before I had to be at the theater to meet jenn and the other cleaner.

That was good, but it's alot of bending and sweeping and scrubbing, which cleaning is of course lol. I look forward to when I've been doing it longer so it doesn't wipe me out as much. Also, when I first got there it was only me and jenn and since she knew i'd been up a long time and was tired she gave me 1/2 of an adderal, which I took. It didn't kick in until the very end though, and I got home around 11, but had to stay up until 1 so I could call them and find out about paperwork so I could get paid and all that good stuff. Somewhere in there jon texts me and since I'm kinda wacky at this point from the no sleep and the other-peoples drugs I fucking responded. DUH, don't do that kate, jesus. But he didn't call me this time and I ducked out with a "I have to sleep cuz of the job, blah blah". Then I called the lady and finally did get to sleep around 2.

I got up about an hour ago, sore and achy, and now in about 25 mins I have to start the cycle again with the papers. Today no wal-mart or adderal at least LoL. Also, no jenn so it will just be me and the other lady. That's ok, but it makes it another semi-akward social situation. Oh well, my rep is on call and I've even got a 1/2 a vic left for "emergencies" which this might be by the time I get back. Also, later today I have to go in there to fill out the damned paperwork and play more social rep, but this time at least I can ask about important stuff, like direct deposit and what about this weird GUY I have to work with on the weekends (eek...I've heard he knows who I am...the peril of being notorious and purple haired in a small town I guess :/) and that I have to do papers this one weekend so I won't be able to conform to his schedual which otherwise I love deeply because he comes in around 1 or 2 am, my prime awake and active time.

Bah, enough rambling, I have to get ready and get back on the racetrack. If you're still reading, you probably actually know me. Sorry if it was awful hehe :) I love ya!

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