
I miss EQ. Not really, as it was a breeding ground for unhappiness for my bear and me, but still in the way that it was a wonderful escape from being alive and concious...the way it let me listen to people like Jhahn...oh my god if a real live person ever made me feel so god damed good to be alive...and going on raids and feeling like I'd accomplished something.

But then it turned into (or at least it became evident to me that it had turned into) just a race for the finish which my bear was destined to fall far behind unless he forged forward hours a day as fast as he could...i guess that exemplifies the differences between us anyway...I was always one to go in on the trade skills...I mean shit, I mastered almost all of them, and I truly would have liked to finish them up, but even being in game long enough to collect materials gets me all jumpy and nervous feeling.

Of course, I should play seeing as i was just charged for another 3 months on my 2nd account (yes 2nd account, I was in deep, honestly). I didn't have to pay for my first account because I was a guide and Sony coughed up the cash..almost decent of em, especially since they're still paying and I haven't been online as a guide in over a month if not more..I have a sinking suspicion that they might actually just close up shop soon, but shhhhhhhh.... :)

Ok anyway, that was my "I miss eq" rant for the, goodnight fucktards everywhere :) :) :)

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