
Life has been boring, yet productive :/ I cleaned the house some, went shopping, re-did my hair, portioned out our snacks for the week, watched TV, and smoked a bunch : )

Tommorow (well later today) people are coming over. Jon and Joe and probably Josh. Now here's the problem. I just went shopping, and Josh...well Josh is a pig. He comes over and glugs down drinks and pushes in food. It has caused quite a little bit of a rift between me and my bear, only because it adds to our stress. The problem mainly comes from telling him. Despite how straight-forward I can be sometimes, I really do prefer to avoid confrontations, especially those with roots close to my own heart. I know what its like to not have money to have good foods at home, and also to be fat and have an appetite, yet at the same time, the kid is seriously eating us out of house and home when he comes over. Fucking problems. My main solution is I've baked some brownies for them to eat, and made some juice. I'm just going to explain to them that we are trying to cut soda out of our diet so we don't have any around the house. Seems the most diplomatic way because we are trying to cut down on sodas.

Can you believe those bastards from my school didn't write again? I was so busy today I didn't get to call them, but I plan to write them another email tommorow and if i don't get another I'll just go back to school after spring break and deal with the fallout. At worst I'll drop em. Fuck it.

Well I need some sleep, so I'm off to dream of tommorow. Seeing Jon should be a treat of sorts. I haven't seen him in almost a week, so I miss him. But I do have to say, having my bears support in trying to lose weight, as well as his apparent interest in improving himself makes me feel even more bad about my thoughts of Jon. Yet the heart wants what it wants and its only my mind that reminds me what a bad idea it would be. Ahh lord, wish me luck!

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