
Ok, I have to admit it, I must be an intuitive.

Now before you all write feverishly for the next lotto number, I assure you A. If i had them, I wouldn't be *here* and B. I'm nowhere *near* that good. I don't get to ask, I just get told, and its usually marginally useless, or personally regressive. 8:30 this morning I had the completely random impulse to lock the back door. So I did. Because why not, I'm already 3/4 the crazy cat lady, might as well go whole hog.

Now the backdoor is a little bit...tricky. In fact it may never get itself un-locked. Also, at the moment its the only way into the house because the front is still covered in at least 2 ft of drifted snow. So anyway, come 11:30 while I'm trying to get my homework done, (which means card games and pot, with a bit of reading and writing ever few minutes/hours) I can hear this thudding in the back hall. I figure its the dryer which I did just recently start and does have itself little snits from time to time.

It continued though, so I did what any mostly crazy person who hates human company would...I darted upstairs at full speed and hid like a bunnyrabbit appraising the situation. Eventually I inched over my sleeping boyfriend and peeked out the window to find it was his father (I had been hoping for Tommy, he's the only person I could have just let in).

So again, I picked the rational choice and hid, going to sleep. I actually just got up. And its all clear :) So thank you intuition, for that message about the door, it made sure I stay stuck in my little non-confrontational rut!

(Now please hurry up with the fucking numbers!)

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