
Wow, its been awhile :/

Sorry about that. I've been caught up in a bunch of nothing, as per usual. Lots of driving around, and finally getting things accomplished after making sure to stand in the wrong line at least twice somewhere along the way.

In the process at least I did get officially registered for my seminar, which means i'm about 90% graduated, and getting closer by the moment :)

Mostly, I've been feeling pretty good. I've been reveling in my wonderful new home theater, which I set up all by MYSELF thank you very much Mr. Tries-to-sell-me-a-200-installation. I had felt going into this that I was only going to kick myself when I was knee deep in wires with no hope of gettin out, and though it got close, I never gave up. In the end I proved to myself I don't need a penis to put something together for me, even if it *is* electronic. Rah Rah, girl power and such.

Even though it was rather extravagant, I have to admit the TV has made me miss him less. First, because it distracts me, but also because when I watch it, and feel proud of myself (and Tommy) for humping it here, putting together the table, mounting the fucking speakers on the wall, and all 800 other steps between Circuit City and Home Theater paradise, I can't help but also kind of just feel pity for him.

My life since he's left here, if I look at it objectively, has gotten so much better, and though he hasn't said one way or the other, knowing him like I do I can say with relative certainty that the fact that he's now 22, and back living under the same roof as that domineering crazy woman he calls a mother in their crowded little suburban hell that he always expressed so much joy to have left, working with his father at a job he hates and which he physically can't sustain for very long, must probably be worse psychological punishment than I could have ever wished on him in my meanest moments.

(and he sure as hell isn't watching HBo on any home theater over there!)

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